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Significance Testing & Statistical Analyses

If you use the WinCross option for tables, two user-chosen levels of significance are automatically indicated in the tables. However, since the native file is SPSS, other statistical procedures are available. However, most clients are satisfied with the WinCross output by itself. Additionally, I can produce for you a memorandum noting key significant interactions or a more complete narrative report.

If you want SPSS tables, my focus, as with WinCross, is significance analysis, that is, which questions are significantly related to which demographic variables (or to other questions). I have the software and some experience to conduct advanced statistical analyses, but I have found that usually such procedures takes one away from the 'real world' understanding of the target population.

With SPSS, I would produce the (presentation-quality) tables then conduct significance analyses and provide either a memorandum listing the significant interactions or a narrative style report.

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All content Copyright, 2010 by Christopher M. Glenn, Ph.D.